Hi lovely readers!
Hope you are all well, and 2017 has been good for you thus far! I was given the chance to participate in a Blogger Tag that Cassie at Zombie Goddess Beauty created. It's all about what prompted me to create Ms. Adventures in Makeup, and what keeps me motivated. Check out my answers below, and feel free to tag other bloggers - just please make sure to loop back to me and Cassie, and go check out her awesome blog!
1. When did you start your blog?
My first blog post was in August of 2014 - about 2.5 years ago!
My first blog post was in August of 2014 - about 2.5 years ago!
2. Why did you start blogging?
I had been wanting to start a blog for awhile, but wasn't sure which direction I wanted to take it (food, lifestyle, etc.). My friend Melissa had started a YouTube channel about makeup, which inspired me to start writing about beauty.
3. Where did your blog name come from?
I had several different ideas, but many of them were already being used. I like wordplay, and wanted to bring it into my blog name...I liked "Miss Adventures in Makeup", but since I felt like I was a little older than the average beauty blogger just starting out, I decided "Ms Adventures..." was more appropriate.
4. What do you blog about?
All things beauty and makeup related - product reviews, looks, unboxings, etc.
5. What is the first blog you started following?
Gosh...it was so long ago that I started reading blogs on the regular. I believe the first blog I every started seriously following was Nothing But Bonfires. Holly is an incredible writer, and I just love her wit and the way she tells a story. Unfortunately, she hasn't written a post in quite some time...but I still hold out hope. As for beauty blogs, I'll have to give it to Karen at Makeup and Beauty Blog - to me, Karen is the OG BB, and she is always in-the-know when it comes to new trends and products!
6. What is your favorite thing about blogging?
Sharing my experiences with my readers - letting them know what has worked and hasn't worked for me, showing them how I create a look, and giving them the tools to make decisions on products and/or shades.
7. What do you find is the toughest thing about blogging?
I have a hard time posting regularly. Sometimes I am able to post often, and at other times my posts are more spread out. It all comes down to having the time to take pictures, having the money to purchase new items, and having the inspiration for new blog posts.
8. What is your biggest blogging pet peeve?
Not being able to always buy a product when it is new and relevant. It may take me a little longer to acquire a hot new item, and by the time I get it, I feel like the moment has passed.
9. What camera and photo editing software do you use?
TBH, I usually just use my phone camera - it's always there, the pictures are easy to edit, and they automatically upload to the cloud, making it super easy to add the photos to my blog post. I used to try to use a real camera, but it became so time consuming, so I decided to simplify. Maybe that's a little basic of me, but I'm OK with it, lol.
10. What is you dream campaign?
I would love to do something for MAC - it would be a dream-come-true to be given a new collection to review, or products to create a look with.
11. How do you come up with posts ideas?
My ideas stem from buying a new product, or trying out a new look or technique.
12. How do you stay motivated to keep writing?
It's a great artistic outlet, which satisfies a need for me. I will admit I lose motivation, but, as mentioned above, a new product or makeup look never fails to spark the excitement once again. Also, reading other blogs or watching YouTube videos is great motivation.
13. What are your blogging goals for the next year?
Just to continue to post. Trying to keep to a schedule would be awesome, but as long as I am able to share what I can with my readers, I am happy.
14. What advice would you give to new bloggers?
Write from the heart, write what makes you happy and interests you...people will read it.
15. Lastly, Recommend 5 Bloggers for anyone reading this to check out.
Below are the top five blogs currently on my reading list - let me know if you check any of them out!
- Makeup and Beauty Blog - Karen is always so on top of things - definitely an inspiration for beauty bloggers!
- The Fitnessista - Seriously, #Fitnessgoals. Gina is amazing, and so well balanced!She offers readers a little bit of everything: posts about fitness, health, beauty, lifestyle and parenting!
- Putting Me Together - I love Audrey's no-nonsense approach to fashion, and the way she shows readers how to create several looks with a few basic pieces.
- Nouveau Cheap - Up-to-the-minute beauty deals and steals - I've gotten some awesome bargains thanks to this blog!
- Slashed Beauty - More deals on beauty items, as well as tips and tutorials.
I hope you enjoyed reading this tag and learning a little more about me and my blog. Please feel free to tag other bloggers, and to share this Tag! Thank you so much to cassie for inviting me to participate in this tag, and thanks to all of you readers for joining me!
Live a beautiful life!
Live a beautiful life!
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